
Some time ago I had to implement CAPTCHA in a Control application in ScriptCase. I didn’t have trouble implementating it, as it’s very simple:

But I also had to control (log) all access attempts, and to do that I had to know what exactly was wrong with the access attempt. It could be that the fields were not correctly filled in (e.g. empty fields), or that the user supplied an invalid CAPTCHA. And it’s this second case, invalid CAPTCHA, that I had to keep track.

In a Control/Form application we have the onValidateFailure event, which runs when the form validation fails. This was the event that I could use to obtain the information that the CAPTCHA was invalid. But ScriptCase doesn’t make distinction about what was wrong neither provides us an easy way to determine it. There is no documented way to know why the form validation failed. So I had to spend some time searching and trying to understand ScriptCase’s internal code to figure out how validations are made.


The solution I found to check if CAPTCHA is valid is very short and easy. I figured out that ScriptCase stores the right CAPTCHA in the $_SESSION variable, and the user supplied CAPTCHA in the property “captcha_code” inside the application’s object ($this). So basically all I had to do was check in the onValidateFailure event if both CAPTCHAs are equal or different.

This is the final code, which should be placed in the onValidateFailure event;

$officialCaptcha = strToUpper($_SESSION["securimage_code_value"]);
$userSuppliedCaptcha = strToUpper($this->captcha_code);

if($userSuppliedCaptcha != $officialCaptcha){

Pay attention to this detail: ScriptCase’s CAPTCHA is case-insensitive, that is, upper and lowercase letters are interpreted as being the same; but both CAPTCHAs stored in the variables $_SESSION/$this are case-sensitive. So before comparing both CAPTCHAs you have to normalize them so they are in the same pattern (as I did in the code above using strToUpper in both values).

As you can see the code is very simple, but it’s useful to implement access control, for example, to log access attempts and then maybe block the user if he’s acting with malicious intents.